Final Project Presentation Schedule (repost)

This is the schedule for presenting your final project to the class. Due to Hurricane Sandy, the reading day on Tuesday Dec 11th has been activated as a regular class day. We will use that day to begin our final project presentations. Presentations will continue and wrap up on Thursday Dec 13th. All projects are due at 10:30am on Thurs 13th (regardless of what day you present). We will not use the final exam block on Thursday Dec 18th. 

(12 students per day)

Tuesday Dec 11th:

  1. Erin
  2. Jon
  3. Gelisa
  4. Elena S
  5. Christopher
  6. Eric
  7. Lauren
  8. Jonah
  9. Michael

Thursday Dec 13th:

  1. Elena B
  2. Patrick
  3. Jared
  4. Rebecca
  5. Bridget
  6. Scott
  7. Bryan
  8. Kyle
  9. Zach C
  10. Andrea
  11. Max
  12. Pete
  13. Kristin
  14. Thuan