Final Project Specs (repost)

Here is a detailed description of the final project (to help you visualize your project):

I am expecting to see one single map that is your *highest quality work.* It should include all of the basics -- your name (you're the Cartographer now!), the date of the map, the data source, the date of the data if known, the classification method if one was used (and if it is applicable), an accurate graphic scale, a north arrow (not needed for small scales like the continental US or a world projection), and a title. Please do not put "final project" on your map. Include neat lines, subtle background fills, drop shadows, etc -- small effects that add dramatically to the design. The map should be in color, though don't over-do it. Really think of the total composition and layout -- remember visual balance, figure/ground, clarity, limiting white space, making the map the focus of the page, etc. Map aesthetics are very important for this final map!

The final project map will be digital -- it will be displayed on your class blog. You will not be printing out a paper copy (keep this in mind for color choices, map layout, size, etc). You must use Adobe Illustrator for the bulk of the map production (I will allow limited GIS on the front end for boundary generation, but all of the map content has to be applied in Illustrator). I will be collecting .ai files during presentations for verification.

Links: In addition to posting the map on your blog, include a few sentences about your map and some links in your blog post that connect with the map content. Online maps are more interesting when there is supplemental info. The links can refer to photos of items on the map, websites of the data you used, websites with more information, etc. Have a minimum of 5 links. Add the links in your blog post for the map. Although some of you may be tempted to make an image-map (a "clickable" map) by using other software programs, I ask that you don't. For the purpose of this project, spend time making the best quality static map you can. I hope this map can become part of your professional portfolio.