Lab 7 (Dot Density) pushed back to Thursday Nov 1st

So it looks like we are in for an exciting week weather-wise. In anticipation of what appears to be dramatic wind and rain starting Mon afternoon and running through Tuesday, I am pushing back the due date of Lab 7 (the dreaded dot density lab). My neighborhood is prone to losing power and I want to send out this info before I'm internet-challenged. 

**The new due date for Lab 7 is this Thursday, Nov 1st** 

Please try to get your lab completed pre-Sandy (especially if you need to use campus computers). Lab 7 takes more time than prior labs (it is not hard, just time consuming). Remember there is a free 30-day trial of Illustrator offered through Adobe (very handy, but can only be used once).

As for class on Tuesday, it is too early to say if the University will truncate classes or close altogether. The Capital Weather Gang's storm predictions ( are pretty impressive...and they have a good track record. Fairfax County Public Schools will surely be closed but GMU is harder to predict. Make sure you check your email before departing for class on Tuesday!!

Whatever the outcome of Sandy, stay safe and enjoy the storm!