Lab 9 Isoline notes

1. No print this week! Only the online copy (so you *must* get it uploaded by 10:30am). 

2. Instructions say to use the pencil tool for drawing contours in Illustrator, but I just found that the pen tool works as well. **With the pencil, you must group your contours before proceeding to the clipping step. With the pen tool, skip the grouping step. Is there a preferred way? Ungrouped pen tool contours can be adjusted post-clipping mask using the Subselection tool. I like that!

2. Make sure you are drawing closed polygons, not just arcs that extend to the edge of the boundary. With the cliping mask, anything extending outside VA will be trimmed off. 

3. Make sure you add labels indicating the level of your contours! They can be just simple 10, 20, 30, etc. You can place them above the line, in concert with the contour (with a small break in the line) or potentially dividing the line. I didn't give specific rules so go with what is clear and logical.

4. Be creative with the map! It is relatively simple graphic-wise: map, legend, title, scale, and identifying info. Legends do not have to be a box with a line of boxes within (push yourself). We are full color now so add a non-white background (subtle but different). Make sure VA is filling your defined space. Remember that Smerg is BAD.

5. Since this is an online-only map, graphic scale is needed. If you have RF or verbal, you can translate that into a graphic scale easily. Work to make a clean scale that lets the map be the most prominent component. Remember to add units (miles or km).

**If you miss the demo on Tuesday about how to determine the contour lines please ask (prof or a classmate). Don't just eyeball it!