Exam 2 Review

Exam 2 is Tuesday, November 27 at 10:30am.

Exam includes all lectures we’ve covered since Exam 1, plus a bit of repeat. Pdf’s of the lectures can be found on Blackboard. Major lab concepts are fair game. Lecture material will be weighted more. Bring a pencil and eraser (there will be a sketch or two). 

Major terms and concepts (no particular order):

Phenomenon and Symbolizations Space (repeat from Exam 1)

Proportional (and Graduated) Symbols (basics, data type, symbols, scaling, perceptual vs. linear scaling, placements, design strategies)

Point symbols, Mimetic symbols

Dot density maps (basics, rules, dot value, dot size, dot placement)

Smooth Continuous Surfaces (types of phenomena, different visualization options, manual creation of contours (Lab 9))

Choropleth maps (repeat from Exam 1 of basics including what type of data, design guidelines) (I want to ask about all 4 major thematic mapping styles)

Color (basics, hue/value/saturation, qualitative and/or quantitative, Munsell, Pantone, Process, subtractive vs. additive colors,  visual effects of color, different color schemes, color vision deficiencies)

Bivariate Maps (2 mapping approaches, design and interpretation issues)

Bivariate Maps

Scroll down to "Percent Change, 1990-2000 and Population Density, 1990" http://www.census.gov/population/www/cen2000/atlas/pdf/censr01-103.pdf

Found the digital, interactive version of the NYTimes Election 2004 map: http://www.nytimes.com/packages/khtml/2004/11/03/politics/20041103_px_ELECT_G...

Try the Bivariate example down the page (GeoVista is a great group up at Penn State): http://www.geovista.psu.edu/grants/nci-esda/software.html#

Singles in the U.S.:  http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_JRzWnNjXRV0/Rydib_lM3tI/AAAAAAAAACE/TWRLM9d_H4c/s16...

Pie chart graduated symbol map of obesity:  http://hci.stanford.edu/jheer/files/zoo/ex/maps/symbol.html