Weekly Blog map #4: Typography

This week find a map that uses type in an effective or creative way. There are some art maps out there that take the symbology of type to the extreme, but there are loads of examples of "normal" maps that are elevated by interesting uses of text. Search around and find an example no one has posted!

Graphic Design

The Sad Tally: Suicides on the Golden Gate Bridge:


 Map of Parking Tickets in NYC:  http://tinyurl.com/5e9b4s 

 Total Solar Eclipse Paths: http://www.flickr.com/photos/michaelpaukner/4429654194/sizes/o/

Web Comichttp://xkcd.com/503 

World Population shown by latitude and longitude: http://urbandemographics.blogspot.com/2010/08/world-population-distribution-m...

What your global neighbors are buying: http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2008/09/04/business/20080907-metrics-graph... 

Arctic Ice Map: http://urbanomnibus.net/main/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/arcticmap.jpg

Stylized Typography city maps: http://store.axismaps.com/

Election redistricting (good use of graphics within lots of text): http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2010/09/26/weekinreview/26marsh.html

A bit of map art: http://bldgblog.blogspot.com/2010/03/new-world-order.html

Collections of good graphics (many of which are geographic):





A new Typography tool for Cartographers has been created: TypeBrewer  http://www.typebrewer.org/
It is a content-rich Flash applet that lets you view the effect of different fonts on a particular map. It gives you the ability to modify the font, try different fonts, even upload your own fonts. There are also extensive notes about the different styles and guides on usage. It is nicely done and I encourage everyone to use it as a guide.


This is the week we explored typography. One of the best parts of type is the variety -- how the simple shift to a different font can make a dramatic visual change to your map. In lecture, I mention the web as a source for so many interesting free (non-copyrighted) fonts. My favorite site is dafont.com: http://www.dafont.com/  It has such variety --I can waste some good time just browsing through them. But you have to be careful using some of the specialty fonts: several fonts do not have a complete set of characters and numbers (which you might really need) and many are just too flashy/busy for a map. Titles often accept more flourishes, but keep it clean for labels. The other big warning is that if you are using someone else's computer, you might not be able to install the fonts. Major bummer. 

Here are a few other note-worthy font sites:
Urban Fonts: http://www.urbanfonts.com/
1001 Fonts: http://www.1001fonts.com/
Search Free Fonts: http://www.searchfreefonts.com/

If you have a favorite site you use, post a comment with a link. A longer list would be awesome....

Here is one (of a few websites) for typography enthusiasts: http://ilovetypography.com/

And a new graphic for helping you find what font to use: http://inspirationlab.files.wordpress.com/2010/04/infographiclarge_v2.png

Lastly..."What Type are You?" courtesy of Pentagram: http://www.pentagram.com/what-type-are-you/

Lab 2: Time Extension

Due to the cancelled lab last Thursday, I am going to extend the time for Lab 2's submission to 1:15 (end of lab) this Tuesday (instead of 10:30am). This will give me time to answer any questions during our lab block. Do remember to bring a card to pay for a printed copy of your lab at the printers down the hall in Innovation. 

Lab 3 will still be introduced so everyone needs to attend lab. Thanks!

Class cancelled Thurs 9-13!

Class is cancelled this Thursday, Sept 13 (both lecture and lab). Sorry to do this but I'm sick and have lost my voice. Pantomiming, I assure you, is not my strong suit. 

I will wrap up the Typography lecture and review Lab 1's next Tuesday. Please spend your class block completing Lab 2. It is still due next Tuesday, Sept 18th. Remember to examine your printed copy closely to ensure it is crisp and correctly sized. If you have questions about the lab or want feedback, send me an email with a copy of your file. 

Please spread the word to your fellow classmates. Thanks!

Weekly Blog map #3: Projection

Find a quality map example that showcases the projection or uses a unique projection to highlight the phenomenon being mapped. Copy the map, post on your blog along with a link to the original webpage and a few sentences describing you pick. Aim to find one no one else has selected!